Hello everyone! Can you believe there's only 2 days left of October? I'm getting super excited for Halloween! So in spirit, for Blogtober today, I'm doing a DIY Candy Corn Banner! Keep reading if you want to learn how to make this cute banner!
For the white, I just left it because I used white paper :)
Step 3:
Now cut a fairly long piece of string for the banner part :P Then, lay them down and attach the string using the tape. This is, again, pretty self explanatory.
Note: I've had some issues with this so here's a tip: hang up the string first with tape and then attach it, it makes things easier.
Step 4:
Everyone's favorite step: admire your work! Hang this up outside, in your room, etc. I put mine over my fireplace.
This is such an adorable DIY and I love how it turned out!
Have a sweet day! (get it, sweet, candy corn? Okay I'll leave)
Thanks for reading,
You Will Need:
Something to make the color with! Options include: marker, crayons, paint, watercolor, washi tape/duct tape, ribbon, etc. Be creative with this!
Paper; this can be thick paper, cardboard, regular paper, construction, etc.
Step 1:
The first step is to cut your paper. This is pretty self explanatory, basically you just cut out a triangle. I actually rounded the corners to make it look slightly more realistic. I cut 5 of these.
yes I took these outside because it was really nice
Step 2:
Now you add the color! In case you didn't know the order, bottom to top it goes yellow, orange, white. But you can use any color you want!
For my yellow, I did marker, very simple. You should definitely experiment with different elements for each color.
Now for the orange, I did some orange washi tape. I had some really cute orange polka dotted tape so I used it for this!
For the white, I just left it because I used white paper :)
Step 3:
Now cut a fairly long piece of string for the banner part :P Then, lay them down and attach the string using the tape. This is, again, pretty self explanatory.
Note: I've had some issues with this so here's a tip: hang up the string first with tape and then attach it, it makes things easier.
Step 4:
Everyone's favorite step: admire your work! Hang this up outside, in your room, etc. I put mine over my fireplace.
This is such an adorable DIY and I love how it turned out!
Let me know in the comments if you do this, and how it turns out! I'd love to hear from you guys :D
My linky isn't working so leave the link of your post down below ;) I'M LITERALLY SO EXCITED FOR HALLOWEEN THIS ISN'T FUNNY OH MY WENTZ SPOOKY SPOOKY SPOOKY
Have a sweet day! (get it, sweet, candy corn? Okay I'll leave)
Thanks for reading,
ReplyDeletehalloween isn't a big thing where i am, but this banner thing looks too cool not to pass up. hehe thanks for sharing <3<3
That's such a cute idea! What does candy corn taste like, Ive never tried it before!
This looks so great!!!
Grace Anne // http://totallygraced.blogspot.com/