Hello everyone! Positivity is easy to spread, you can create happiness in the simplest of ways. Of course, the blogging community is one of the most positive and kind communities out there, but who doesn't need another reason to smile? I've compiled a list of 20 things you can say or do for bloggers to make their day :D
1 - look at their blog and leave a comment about what you think of it overall.
2 - tell your friends about their blog or talk about their blog on your blog.
3 - tag them in one of those blog awards.
4 - put them as your "favorite reads" on a favorite blogs page.
5 - drop them a sweet, from the heart email.
6 - make a positive quote your comment signature. (what you put at the end whenever you comment)
7 - make a post dedicated to all your favorite bloggers.
8 - do a post like this.
9 - try to be positive in your posts and comments and emails, etc.
10 - think of all the bloggers who have been nice to you, and be nice to them back.
11 - whenever you see a blogger in distress, help them in any way possible.
12 - try to write more positive posts often.
13 - eliminate the number of negative things you say about people on social media.
14 - initiate friendship with another blogger.
15 - introduce a blogger to another blogger.
16 - remember posts you enjoyed and maybe talk about them later.
17 - if a blogger is doing a contest or something cool, tell your readers about it.
18 - tell a blogger how awesome you think they are,
19 - send an email full of positive gifs to a blogger.
20 - write a positive poem to someone.
be positive friends
1 - look at their blog and leave a comment about what you think of it overall.
2 - tell your friends about their blog or talk about their blog on your blog.
3 - tag them in one of those blog awards.
4 - put them as your "favorite reads" on a favorite blogs page.
5 - drop them a sweet, from the heart email.
6 - make a positive quote your comment signature. (what you put at the end whenever you comment)
7 - make a post dedicated to all your favorite bloggers.
8 - do a post like this.
9 - try to be positive in your posts and comments and emails, etc.
10 - think of all the bloggers who have been nice to you, and be nice to them back.
11 - whenever you see a blogger in distress, help them in any way possible.
12 - try to write more positive posts often.
13 - eliminate the number of negative things you say about people on social media.
14 - initiate friendship with another blogger.
15 - introduce a blogger to another blogger.
16 - remember posts you enjoyed and maybe talk about them later.
17 - if a blogger is doing a contest or something cool, tell your readers about it.
18 - tell a blogger how awesome you think they are,
19 - send an email full of positive gifs to a blogger.
if misha tells you that you are the best, you are the best.
*throws confetti* POSITIVITY !! *hands out cake* IS !! *opens window* VERY !! *screams* IMPORTANT !!
let's be positive. try to do all these things in the month of June, because I will.
Thanks for reading,
be positive friends