
Crazy Cooking Tag....Crazy Sunday

Sooo, I was on one of my favorite blogs this morning... Amelia Grace and I saw she does a lot of "tags" 
Anyways, tags are where you create a post about something then tag (link) other bloggers at the end of the post, basically telling them to do the tag. It creates a chain which is pretty cool. BUT... if you use another blogger's tag post when they tagged you, you have to say: I was tagged in the post by Noor from My Amazing Life Being 10. Get it? LET'S START! 


Step 1: Share a recipe with your readers: it can be cooking or baking
Step 2: Make sure that you use the picture (you can use it from the blog, as long as you don't edit my name out of it.) and the hashtag. 
Step 3: Tag 3 bloggers at the end of the post and then once you've published, tell those bloggers that you've tagged them and that they should do the post. (link them to my blog post)

I'll have my first one up in a little bit!

Noor, the beginner tagger. 


Hey! Yes you, you're about to leave a comment, why thank you! Just remember, if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.