
Crazy Cooking Tag: My Post

Hello everyone! Right now, I'm going to share with you my tag post! Enjoy!!!

My Tass Kabab Cooking Adventure!!

A little bit earlier in the day, my dad and I went on a cooking adventure! We decided to cook something called Tass Kebab

It was really fun and the kebab turned out really good. (Kebab is like a beef, I think the recipe we used was an Armenian one. Not postive...) Anyways, I am going to share with all you shining people some pictures we took while cooking, not going to share the recipe but I will give a basic view of what we did with each picture. 

First, we put 2 tablespoons of butter in a pot at medium heat. We waited for it to melt, then we washed our meat, beef. (Note- we didn't use the right part of the beef so the finished thing turned out not so perfect.

Then, we chopped onions. (My dad did this part.) 

Next, we put the meat in the pot and let it brown. 

After that, we took the meat out and put in the onions.

After the onions became see through, we put the meat back in with the onions still in. Then we seasoned. After seasoning, we stirred. This is before stirring. 

Afterwards, we made a tomato mixture.

Then covered the meat with it

UNFORTUNATELY....... I couldn't get the final pic.... here in my family, we finish our food. Quick


The Tags

Amelia at Amelia Grace

Annie at The Oldest Sister/ Polka Dot Kitchen 

Thanks for reading and share this tag on your blog!



  1. Oooh that looks delicious! Yumm! :)

  2. This looks super duper good! Thanks for the mention too :) I want to try your recipe!

  3. Thanks for my mention. It looks delicious!


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