
They're Not Just....

Hello everyone! So I have no post for today, so I'm basically winging it. Bear with me.

People ask me why I'm obsessed with certain things, why they're so important to me. They just don't understand, they can't captivate a book like I do, or feel the music like I do, or love the person like I do.

'It's just a book.' 'They're just people like us, they don't even know you exist.' 'It's just some people banging at drums and making noise.'

Dear people who tell others this,

They're not just stories. They're like magical worlds that suck me in and make me forget about the real world. The characters are my friends, they may be fictional, but I can understand them. It's not just some papers jumbled together, it's a whole new world. They're always there on my shelf, whenever I need them, unlike people.

It's not just 'noise'. It's deep, meaningful (well not always, but still great) music. It makes me happy. And if you are going to question that, why don't you try to make me happy? The music flows into me and helps me let go, and be one with myself.

Oh, you don't like my music? Then don't give crap about it, I never insulted your music taste, just leave mine be. They're not doing anything wrong, their music hasn't killed anyone, so what's it to you?

They're not just people. Sure, they may not know that I exist, but I love them, they make me happy and that's all that matters. Their faces, their voices, their giggles, every little thing about them just keeps me happy and my day brightens up whenever I watch them or see them. And it's not a silly little middle school crush, it's a love, a family, friendly love (or love love in Pete Wentz's case). They are my best friends, they also make me happy when no one can. They can truly turn my frown upside down.

So dear person, they are not just obsessions, it's more than that, it's a care, it's something that makes me actually happy. Who gave you the right to question my 'obsessions'? No one, and it's honestly none of your business.

Let me be happy, and I'll let you be happy. Because they aren't just bands, just books, just people, they are things that make ME happy, and you shouldn't be interfering with that.

Everyone You've Attacked About Their "Obsessions"

Thanks for reading,

p.s- I'm holding a holiday contest, check out my last post <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! This post is so true! I can't even!


    1. Aw I'm glad you relate! I can't even too xD

  3. Ohmygosh!!!!!! Thats soooooo true!

  4. WE'RE OBSESSED BECAUSE THESE BOOKS AND MOVIES ARE ABOUT PEOPLE'S LIVES whether fiction or not. Clearly the people who make fun of your obsessions don't read.

    The Life of Little Me

  5. Tecnically, it is just another person, but they are special. I totally agree, like, just because somebody is famous, it feels like their not human. But, they are, and I agree, they're awesome. But, still they are just people. Don't act like they're Allah.

    -I have no blog, so I am anonymous, because you don't need a blogger to comment with Anonymous, and my gmail is private, so yeah.

    1. Yes of course, I agree with you :) I don't really treat them like they are Allah/God, that's a completely different relationship, but I still love them :D

    2. Dude even though you your obsessed doesn't mean you think that they're God or whatever.

  6. Noor, you are like a blogging Saint!
    P.S it didn't even seem like you winged it it was that great!

  7. PREACH. I absolutely hate it when people go up to me like, "Oh you're crying over a book? It's just a book. Get over it."

    I find it an insult because of course, certain things have value to me. My favorite books mean something to me, and I value them. (Of course, I value people more than my books, but in this case, I can't allow people to insult me for liking a certain thing.) People should just respect that we like this band/song/book because WE'RE INTERESTED IN THEM, and they can't have control on what we like :)

    Great post. Haha.

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

  8. Hey, last week some other dude named anonymous pointed it out, but you did it again. You posted this on Friday, yet you wrote Thursday...

    1. It's not me writing it though, it's probably just my blog glitching! Or we have different time zones :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. What time is it where u are? Im in the usa and its 9:50

    4. It's probably different for u and Noor too

  9. Oh my gosh Noor, since you talk about Fall Out Boy a lot, I decided to listen to some of their songs a couple days ago. Long story short, I might be obsessed with them now. They're awesome and I'm honestly questioning why I didn't check them out before. Thanks for helping me find my new fav band! :)


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