
Reading Slumps - The Downfall of My TBR

Hello everyone! I am currently in a crisis, a TBR crisis. And not just any old TBR crisis, the casual "too-many-books-to-read" crisis, no. This is a "I don't have many books on my TBR but I can't get through this one darned book" crisis.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the current book I'm reading. It's thrilling and wonderful, and I'm in love with this series and all the characters in it. I can't just get into it. I'm not really pushing myself to pick up the book and read it, it's like I just can't bring myself to read anything??

Do I have a final reason why? Absolutely not. But what do you do when you can't come up with a reason? You make a list! Or maybe I'm just a list making freak. Nonetheless, I'm going to make a list, because why not. I am 110% horrible at introducing lists I'm literally cringing but I can't change it.

I literally just finished an amazing series.

I decided to get back into the Infernal Devices series right after I finished the Raven King, aka the last book in one of my favorite books of all time. And I was literally emotionally dead after reading it, the way it ended and all of the things and the fact that it was over, killed me inside. 

Getting connected with new characters (somewhat) and a new plot, etc is always difficult after being so attached to a whole series. You just find yourself wanting to go back to that other series and you can't get into this whole new series/book. Some may call it a "book hangover", basically you are still living in the other book's world. 

I want to read so many other books as well.

THERE ARE SO MANY BOOKS I WANT TO READ. I went on a book haul (an enormous book haul) and bought too. many. books. But they're all amazing books that I just really want to read and it kills me. I stare at those books throughout the day, and they're sitting there, fresh pages, waiting for me to read them and (hopefully) thoroughly enjoy them. But I also really want to finish Clockwork Angel and the rest of the Infernal Devices before I dive into these books like ???

Books are intimidating, and when you realize that you have a lot of books to read, it also becomes intimidating. And exciting, And stressful. Being a bookworm takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. There's too many wonderful, gorgeous books to read and how do I read them all?

me looking at my TBR

The world is against me.

The universe does not want to me to read this book. I am not joking, this book is like a positive magnet and so am I and same sides do not attract. I left the book at home 5 times which means I couldn't read at school. I also left it on the bus a couple times. I have had NO time to read these past few days and it is the tenth day of May and I have not finished a single book yet. This is the downfall of my TBR. 

Do you ever want to read a lot, but you have absolutely no time? Like you want to pick up that book so bad but you have other commitments, yeah that's 100% me right now. 

In conclusion, reading slumps - s u c k. how will I ever get through this. I'm gonna go read now. 

How often do you have reading slumps? What are your reasons for reading slumps? And for the benefit of all of us, how do you get through reading slumps?

Thanks for reading,


  1. I feel you, I'm in a bit of a slump too!

    I'm currently rereading Clockwork Angel.
    - Edie

  3. This happens to me all of the time! I'm happy that I'm not the only one who does this, haha ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  4. I CAN RELATE TO THIS ON SO MANY LEVELS. First, I'm also a list-making-freak. XD LISTS ARE EVIL SOMETIMES, YOU KNOW?? Like they are my prison guards. << yep. "Do you ever want to read a lot, but you have absolutely no time?" < UM BASICALLY ALWAYS AND FOREVER. *weeps* or maybe I'm just terrible at making time for reading and such?? IDK I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH BOOKS. soooo many problems. XD UGH. (btw the library gif was perfection. <3)


  5. Hi! On the 8th of May, I tagged you in the 'Text Tag' :) (It was in the rules to notify you! Sorry ^_^)


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