
Calling All Guest Posters!

Hello everyone! I HIT 90 FOLLOWERS, 10 AWAY FROM 100, WHOOP WHOOP! I've decided that I'll do a giveaway when I hit 100 followers, or maybe 50,000 hits.

Anyways, I'm really busy this summer so I might not have the chance to post a lot, so I've decided to have some guest posters on the blog.

There will be two (ish) options. 1, interview, and 2 regular post. (The other 'ish' one is a swap)

1) Interview

For the interview, all you'll have to do is answer the following questions:

1) A little bit about you? (Name, blog name, some fun facts, etc)
2) How long have you been blogging for? Tell us your short blogging story.
3) What are some of your fandoms?
4) What's your favorite part of blogging?
5) What are some of your hobbies?
6) What's the story behind your blog name?
7) Who are your inspirations and who are your favorite bloggers?
7) What do you look for in a friend?
8) Give some advice to new bloggers.
9) AND THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION. Chocolate or vanilla?

Send me an email here answering the questions and if you have one, send your blog button!

2) Regular post

This is a bit different.

So first, contact me with this form: (and you know, what else you want to talk about :P)

Blog name

And once I give the okay, send your post!

Here are some of the categories you can guest post about (you can really do whatever you want, these are just some suggestions): DIY, how-to, writing, thoughts, photography, fashion, review, blogging tips.

3-ish) Interview or guest post swap

For this, it's basically the same as those two, you just have to let me know in the beginning that you want a swap.

Interview- answer the questions and then give me a couple questions!
Guest post- fill the form out, and then ask me if I want to swap, and give me a topic I should do (that is optional)


That seemed more organized than it should be XD Anyways, I would LOVE to hear from you guys and see your answers to the questions, and your lovely posts!

I'm not going to post guest posts every post, I will post regular stuff :)

Mkay bye,

I just got a new Instagram, follow me? @alittlebitofsunshine.blog


  1. Oooh! I've done only two guest posts before-- I'll have to think about if I want to do another one. ^.^

    xoxo Morning

    1. I would LOVE to have you guestpost on the blog, that would be amazing!!

  2. Wow, Noor! 90 followers is huge - congrats! I'd love to do the 3-ish interview swap. I've only just done my first guest post swap, and I've started working on a lot more collaborations. :) xx

    Shine on,

    1. Thanks GirlRadio! Sure! Just shoot me an email and we'll get started :D

  3. Hey Noor! I have been following your blog for awhile and I just thought I would say hey! And I LOVE your blog! Your posts are always so awesome and fun to read. Congrats on 90 followers!!!!

    1. Well hello there! Thank you so much Shelby, that means so much!

  4. YAY! Congrats on 90 followers! Only 10 to go. >:)

    As for the guest posts, I'd love to do one! You can do one on my blog but only if you want to, as I understand you're busy. I'll have to think of a topic, though. :)

    1. Thanks Jo! I would love to swap, send me an email when you get an idea :D

  5. I'd love to do one! Although, my email doesn't work at the moment so I'm afraid that I might not be able to! :( congratulations on 90 followers! Xoxo

    1. Oh no! When your email gets fixed, I'd love to do one! And thanks so much :)

  6. Oh wow! Congratulations! I'd love to do the interview (even though I've already guest posted on your blog)! But if you had any spare time (I understand if you're too busy), could I have my own personal questions from you, it can be absolutely anything?! Let me know if you're too busy! <3

    - www.whatlexieloves.blogspot.com

    1. Of course Lexie! Just send me an email :)

  7. Congrats on reaching 90 followers! I'd love to do an interview with you!

    - Ines - www.unicornsnarwhalsandme.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks Ines! That would be amazing, just send me an email :D

  8. Congrats on reaching 90 followers! That is a big accomplishment!

  9. Congrats on 90 followers! I really want to do a guest post, so I guess I'll return and fill out a form when I have time and an idea x

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Thanks M, I would love to have you guest post, that would be amazing!!

  10. Oh Ma Gawsh gurlll, you're almost at a hundred followers, well done!!!!!
    I'd love to do a regular post, I'll email you my idea.

    1. Thank you so so much! And I got the email :D

  11. Wooo! Congratulations on 90, Noor-- good job, girl :)

    1. Thank you so so much Devanshi, that means a lot!

  12. Its so amazing that you've reached 90 followers well done!! And good luck getting to 100! I would also love to do an interview for you if thats ok? xx

    Noire Beau

  13. I would LOVE to do an interview!

  14. I'm so happy for you! Nearly 100, wow! :)
    Thank so much for following and commenting on my blog all the time. It means a lot. :)
    P.S. I followed. ;)


  15. Hi Noor!
    I was wondering what you meant by category and topic I want to do i post swap but i don't know what you mean by that.\
    Gypsy Pixie <3

  16. Hi Noor!
    I would love to do an interview!
    I'll send the email soon.

  17. And now you're already at 110! You're doing such a great job!
    I'd love to do an interview, if you'd have me :) Do I just have to send an email with my answers?

    x Envy
    Picking up the Pieces


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