
the sunday sunshine #7

It's been a HOT minute since I've done one of these?? I'm not completely out of post ideas, I just felt like I'd spill out some ###updates since everyone is SO extremely interested in what's going on my life.

I decided I'm still going to call it the Sunday Sunshine even though my blog name changed.. because... sunshine??

without further ado.

READING IS STILL HAPPENING. This has been one of my longest reading strings in a WHILE (even though i haven't read in 3-4 days.. but I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING TO READ) and I'm so proud of myself.

#7booksaheadofschedule #23booksreadalready #gome???

IMAGINE THIS: a wild Noor browsing on tumblr,,, when she comes across,,, All for the Game. what?? who???



I BLEW through the All for the Game series in... 4 days?? A weekend. AND I AM NOT OVER IT. It's gorgeous. It's all good. AND I found another blonde boy to fall in love with. hehehehe

Tonight I'm planning on starting The Wicker King and I am so pumped because it looks AMAZING and the cover is GORG. I love gorgeous covers <33 #noshame

(also i bought 4 books and i am ready to CONSUME them all) (2 months ago 4 books would take me a month to read and now i can read them in a week.. go me... except not really because the faster i read, the more books i have to look for. the problems never end)

AND I literally hate myself for not finishing series because I have 3 series (Six of Crows, Grisha (?? what's it called) trilogy, and Red Queen) which I ditched and now I wanna pick it back up, but I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED.

AND I WANT TO REREAD THE RAVEN CYCLE. i officially hate myself.

UHM. MY BIRTHDAY IS IN FOUR (4) DAYS. I AM OLD. not rly i'm still like the youngest person here.

But my friends said they have something cute planned for me SO. woo.

I saw Black Panther twice (2) and IT WAS SO SO SO GOOD. I love you Shuri. AND I'm probably seeing Love, Simon next weekend and I AM SO EXCITED... I <3333 Simon Vs <333333

ALSO THE OSCARS... I wanted Get Out to win so so so bad, but the Shape of Water was also so so incredible so I am still happy that it won!!

I've been trying to watch all the Oscars nominations, but I have had NOOO time :'( Hopefully over spring break??


Music wise, I am currently iN LOVE with Willow Smith :D Her music is so pretty and smooth and calms me down when I wind down for bed :')

I am boring I have nothing else to say about my life HEH

WHAT'S GOIN ON IN YOUR LIFE?? What have you been obsessed with lately?

happy sunday!


  1. Ah, Happy (most likely totally late) Birthday!!
    To answer your question, my life has mostly been me obsessing over The Office for about a month now. Also, I have been listening to about 5 musicals at once, and reading Be More Chill.

  2. Yooo enjoy The Wicker King Noor!! It's one of my favorite books. <333 I'm obsessed with Voltron rn but that's nothing new haha.

    anna | annaish

  3. ahh so I did the maths (lol and that failed so I just went back to your bday post from 2016 hahahahah #STALKER) and your bday is tomorrow so HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR THEN!! I know we literally never chat anymore (it's so sad to be honest) but I'll def be thinking of you:) have a great day with lots of cake (naturally) xx

    also wow you're reading so much (I'm 5 books behind schedule according to Goodreads whoops, but in my defence, I have forgotten to log them)!!

    Lexie x

  4. Hi! What marketing activities have you done to build your brand?


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