
The Rising Authors Tag

Hello everyone! I like writing tags, we all like writing tags, they're fun and really don't feel like tags to me (?) I was nominated for this a couple weeks back (I don't remember by who, I should really write this stuff down) so here goes :D


1) Write a post thanking the person who tagged you: include the tag, the 11 questions asked, your answers, and, in reply to the request for a small piece of prose or poetry, share a 150-word story.
2) At the end of the post, provide 11 new questions.
3) Request a brief 150-word story from the people you tagged.
4) Tag at least one person, and include a link to their blog.


1) Write on paper or on the computer?
Computer. My arm cramps up super easily and writing on paper is a nightmare. Computer is much faster and I can EASILY edit and fix any mistakes and it just looks cleaner.

2) On average, how many words do you write in one session?
1,000-2,000, I'm not a super fast writer, I like to take my time and think.

3) Fanfiction: yea or nay?
yay! I love reading fanfiction and I'm writing a fanfiction for Camp NaNo

4) Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? If so, did you win, and did you like or dislike it?
I have done NaNo and I did win (yay!) and I did like it. My only problem is that if I missed one day I had to HARDCORE write the next day.

5) Do you share your writing with your family/close friends?
Only my mom tbh (she's a good reviewer) and a couple internet friends. If it's fanfic I'll put it on Wattpad.

6) What are some of the most helpful pieces of writing advice you've heard?
Don't let anyone put down your ideas.

7) Do you write poetry?
Yes, when I'm feeling very strong emotions and I just need to let it out on paper. If I'm angry however, I'll kill off a character in my WIP (or two..)

8) Describe 3 characters from stories that you've written.

- Vert is a snarky vampire who's extremely sassy and really doesn't care about anyone. (from my NaNo WIP from November)

- Kayla Young is a bisexual human (?) who was in my attempted WIP for April Camp NaNo. She's shy and isn't out to anyone but finds comfort in her best friend (ahem also crush) Jayne.

- Arissa is a Native American human who starred in a short WIP I did for a History/English assignment in January. She's outgoing and passionate and has the power to control the wind.

9) What called you to writing?
I honestly started writing more when I started blogging but really I had all these fun ideas in my head and after I really got into reading, I started twisting those ideas into stories and slapping them onto paper.

10) Do you like killing off your characters?
I honestly do and I sound like a horrible person but I like finding ways to kill off my characters that help with the plot line. Or maybe it's just that I like making my readers sad..

11) Have you gotten published?
lol no. The closest thing was getting a bunch of reads on Wattpad for this phanfic I wrote but that's not even remotely close what am I saying

I'm supposed to put in a 150 word snippet so here you got enjoy this is from my recent Harry Potter fanfic WIP yay

“Crucio.” Voldemort shouted, causing Draco to let go of Pansy’s arm, falling to the cold ground. “Should I drive you to insanity? Let you watch your beloved teachers die and leave you with nothing but a shell of a boy who was too fearful to join me. A shell of a boy who was despised by his peers because he was brought up to believe that making other people feel horrible was the right thing to do. A boy who didn’t have friends, but followers. A boy who was never loved, only by his mother. A boy who will die a sad death just because he wanted to feel heroic for once in his life.” Voldemort screeched at Draco as he kept shooting the boy with Cruciatus curse.

btw it's an AU where Harry died in Deathly Hallows and if Draco was good and that's Voldemort punishing Draco for betraying the Death Eaters. 

I Tag

everyone reading who has written a piece of writing before. also because most of the writing blogs I know have been tagged for this/already have done this. 

My Questions

(have the ones i just answered because every question i can think of has been used)

1) Write on paper or on the computer?
2) On average, how many words do you write in one session?

3) Fanfiction: yay or nay?
4) Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? If so, did you win, and did you like or dislike it?
5) Do you share your writing with your family/close friends?
6) What are some of the most helpful pieces of writing advice you've heard?
7) Do you write poetry?
8) Describe 3 characters from stories that you've written.
9) What called you to writing?
10) Do you like killing off your characters?
11) Have you gotten published?

I hope you enjoyed reading and listening to me talk about writing.

aLSO maybe I'll post the first chapter of my fanfic.. maybe? should i?

anyway have a great day and the rest of your week everyone :)

Thanks for reading,


  1. I'mma do it!!! What does tbh mean though?
    -Dani (The Rising Author!!!)

  2. I want to do this tag! So fun! Great answers- I have been loving all your writing posts lately they inspire me to get back to my WIPs. Neat post!

  3. I'm so with you on the writing on computer. I brainstorm a lot on paper, but all serious writing has to be done on computer. Handwriting can be frustratingly slow sometimes, can't it? Plus my handwriting is atrocious when I try and write quickly. Even I can't read it sometimes!

  4. Awesome!

    - Edie

  5. i just did the tag! awesome post!


  6. This is such an interesting tag :-)
    I also like writing on a laptop, my hands cramp up when writing too much on paper.
    Great answers!
    -Jollygirl @ Reflections of a Jolly Girl

  7. I love this tag; it's really amazing! I'm definitely going to do it!
    Also, you're a really good writer; that Harry Potter Fanfic looks really good :)
    -Elsie A x

  8. I really want to do this tag! You should definitely post the first chapter of your WIP: it sounds so very intriguing.

  9. i have a little journal where i write, then i transfer it to the computer. idk - there's something that feels so mechanical and superficial about writing on a laptop (unless you're in a coffee shop, of course, in which case aesthetic), but physically putting a pen to paper is so old-fashioned and enchanting.

    evelyn clickman @ if these stars shall fall


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